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"I loved all the information. I printed out the materials and will be using this in my job almost every day."

- Lisa

LASER Technique eGuide

Here's What's Included:

  • A 13 page detailed guide outlining all the steps of the LASER Technique: an easy-to-apply five-step process for responding with empathy to those experiencing trauma or distress at work.

  • Bonuses include videos and downloadable materials.

“Katharine’s training on The Empathetic Workplace was both comprehensive and easy to follow. She provided a solid overview of the impact of trauma and drilled down into not only how to best support survivors, but also how to cope, internally, with the information they share and make the conversation productive, compassionate and empowering. I can’t think of a workplace that would not benefit from this training. It highlights the importance of listening, then gives specific steps to becoming a better active listener.”

- Kristen

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